
Pincast Episode 26 – There Is No Center Post, Only Zuul

Who you gonna call? Ostensibly someone else, because this Pincast is not live or a call-in show. We sit down with Jordan Semrow to map his trajectory to Seattle and hosting tournaments at Another Castle, bust out our travelogue and talk about our recent trips to Chicago and Los Angeles, and break down our fresh experiences with Stern’s Ghostbusters!

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Second Sunday Split – Sunday May 8th at Add-a-Ball. Come with a partner or find one there. Starts at 4:20 pm, more details: Here


NWPAS Satellite Tournament: Belltown Brawl. Win passes to the pinball show in June and entries into the tournaments held that weekend. More details: Here


Pincast Episode 25 – Into The Zone And Through The Hobbit

Our friend 2nd Place Andy Burton joins us to dissect Jersey Jack’s latest, the Hobbit, and we (kind of) debut our new ranking system! We also dive deep into what it means to get into and stay in “the zone”, and we want to hear from you about your own pinball zone! Another Last Pin Standing, another origin story, and a fantastic conversation all around. To Erebor!

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news & gossip

Seattle Pinball News and Gossip 42

8Bit feb2016The 2015-16 IFPA Washington State Pinball Championships were held at the 8-Bit Arcade on February 13th, with 16 of the top players in the state competing for the top spot. These tournaments happened all over the US and Canada on the same weekend, with the winners each having the opportunity to play in the IFPA National Championships in Las Vegas in March. The top 16 were determined ifpa 2016by the WPPR points they earned in the past year playing in IFPA-sanctioned tournaments. One notable missing player this year was Kevin Birrell, who missed the event due to his commitments as a Tetris Grandmaster. Like last year, travisthe event also held a 4-Strike tournament that gave people something to do as the main event was going on. Although Raymond Davidson eventually won the State Championship, it was 2nd place Travis Maisch who represented Washington in the National tourney because Raymond couldn’t attend. Travis put in a strong showing for someone who began playing competitively only a short time ago and came in 3rd place and very close to winning the whole shebang! Represent!

Seattle has a lot of competitive pinball events that happen regularly, but one whose time has come to an end is Nicky’s Boom Boom krishnamurtiMonthly Tournament. Organizer Nicholas Polimenakos has decided to not only stop running the tournaments but also stop playing pinball altogether. He told us that life was taking him in other directions and that we should read the works of Krishnamurti. Kevin will be taking over the monthly tournament at Olaf’s, which will include a mix of formats such as 3-strikes and pin-golf, alongside the quarterly Pinhead tournaments. Hare!

Another Castle in Bremerton opened on March 2nd and by all reports is a smashing success. This is more of a bar than their other ACBlocations and the locals seem to like that just fine, especially since the all-ages Quarters Arcade is nearby. In fact, this Another Castle is so popular that an expansion is already being discussed and there is an empty storefront right next door. With 9 pins and just a short ferry ride from downtown, we can’t imagine why this location wouldn’t do well with both tourists and locals. Ferries!

It looks like the long expected Silverball Saloon in Greenwood has been scrapped. After a lengthy licensing waiting period silverball sand then discovering structural problems with the site, the saloon’s originator lost control of himself and the business. While the current owners of the business still plan on opening a pinball-based establishment once the building repairs are finished, it will no longer be called Silverball Saloon. About the only positive thing than can be said about this whole ordeal is that the building site avoided being destroyed by the gas explosion that happened less than a block away earlier this month. Blast!

The Iron Bull in Wallingford has recently expanded their pinball, making it the new anchor location of that neighborhood. The business iron bullwas recently purchased by Jonathan Hawthorne and he immediately increased the number of pins from two to nine! We visited soon afterwards and were impressed by the diverse game selection, which includes a wide range from Bally’s Star Trek to Stern’s KISS. Iron Bull has begun having weekly Thursday night tournaments, which at first iron gamesalarmed the regulars at the weekly Flip Flip Ding Ding tournament held on the same night. But after a few weeks it hasn’t seemed to affect Flip Flip’s attendance much, and gives players on the Northside a closer event. We were impressed by the table space at the bar (a rarity for a pinball business) and we’re holding our Skill Shot Folding Party there. We’ll let you know how it turns out. Next issue!

Monday Night Pinball began their 5th season in February with an expanded roster of teams and a few new rules. Two new teams joined Monday Night Pinballthe league this season: Mother VUKers, which is a second Olaf’s team, and Lucky Lickers, based at Lucky Liquor, a bar in luckyliquorTukwila. In case you don’t know, Tukwila is a city just south of Georgetown, and the bar is across from Boeing Field. They expanded their game selection in order to join the league and have also begun monthly Sunday tournaments hosted by Eric Morales. Check out our calendar for dates and details! This season of Monday Night Pinball runs until mid-May, and you can get more info at  VUK!

SPL 3_2016

Seattle Pinball League began their 8th Season with a league meet at the Stewart’s house in February and at Rod Olsen’s in March. janufestThe league has really grown from those early days, and the March event boasted a whopping 69 players! Rod’s house was also the scene of his annual Janufest party, which had a somewhat rocky start when his whole neighborhood experienced a blackout for at least an hour. Aaron McAbee saved the day with his mobile Pinball Arcade to play while we waited for the power to come back on. Blackout!

The 9th annual Northwest Pinball and Arcade Show (NWPAS) will happen June 3 – 5 at the Tacoma Convention Center. The dave sspeakers and guests list are still being ironed out at this time so we will have more info in our next issue. One part of the Show that is already planned out is the tournament schedule, which is run by the always organized Dave Stewart. Like last year, there will be a series of pre-NWPAS Satellite Tournaments happening around Seattle NWPAS-2016where players can win weekend passes to both NWPAS and entries in the various tournaments that weekend. The first Satellite Tournament was March 28th, with others held periodically into May. Check the Skill Shot Calendar on our website for dates and locations. Passes!

Hannah Holmberg hosted the First Sunday Tournament @Shorty’s in Feb with a Survivor TV show theme. It was double survivorelimination with players divided into tribes and the losers being sent to Redemption Island. There were also immunity idols first hostshidden in the bar which could be used as a bye and had players searching all over Shorty’s. In true Survivor fashion, Brad was tricked into playing a fake idol that Gordon had made from a piece of trash. The March First Sunday tourney featured Sean Carlson and Rachel Helm as co-hosts with an Easter theme. Rachel went home sick and Sean soldiered on although he never had run a tourney before, so it ran a bit on the late side (but still fun). Idols!

Pinball Tidbits: The annual Tommy Tournament is hosted by Skill Shot and happens a few days after this issue comes out. * Add-a-Second Sunday Split FlipperBall’s annual 420 Tournament is on a Wednesday this year and will have a slightly different format. The Breaking of the Glass ceremony will still be held at 4:20, so don’t miss it! * AAB has a new monthly Split Flipper tourney! It’s the 2nd Sunday of every month. * Robert Gagno recently made an appearance on Talent Time, a Canadian TV show. Watch it on Youtube! * While Jeff Groper was on vacation, Kayla and Katie hosted Jeffburgh, a tournament with 16 players, a Mike Tyson gagnotrophy, and streamed by Beneficial Malfunction! * Full Tilt U-District is finally upgrading to a space with room for pinball next door to the Kraken. There’s room for a full bar too! * Look for a new game room to open up in Ballard, right around the corner from Full Tilt, with 6 pins operated by 20XX.* Stern announced that Ghostbusters will be their next pin. Spider-man, Hobbit and The Big Lebowski are still on their way…right? * Support Local Pinball!

Originally published in Skill Shot 42, March 2016belltown



Ghostbusters Launch Tournament: April 22 – 25th at 8-Bit Arcade! You have 4 days to put up the highest scores to be entered into Tuesday’s finals tourney! More details: Here

tips & tricks

House Party: How to Play Game of Thrones

House Party: How to Play Game of Thrones bglass

by Kevin Birrell

When Stern announced the Game of Thrones pinball machine, people went absolutely berserk. It’s the perfect license, right? For once, Stern was going to release a game based on an interesting current property, unlike AC/DC, KISS, and Metallica! As it turns out, the theme wasn’t even the most exciting part; after the first few times people played the game at Chicago’s Pinball Expo, word quickly spread that the game had much more substantial rules and code than any other Stern game in recent history at launch. Indeed, Dwight Sullivan and the rest of the software team Got tyrionat Stern should be commended for the excellent job they’ve done with Game of Thrones. Typically, it’s not the case that there are multiple viable strategies for a given pinball machine. When there are, sometimes the game ends up feeling like a linear grind-fest where you might as well replace all scoring values with a shot counter. Game of Thrones manages to avoid this by having great risk/reward scenarios all over the place, resulting in a game where you are never completely safe and there is always something exciting to shoot for that doesn’t feel like “work”.

Right at the start of the game you can choose from six different houses (Baratheon, Tyrell, Martell, Lannister, Greyjoy, and Stark) to play. P1190806Each house provides a different advantage for the rest of the game: House Martell will give you an add a ball during multiball once per ball, while House Baratheon will increase the value of Battle for the Wall Multiball. The most interesting of these choices, however, is House Greyjoy. Unlike the other houses, Greyjoy does not give you any immediate reward. Instead, whenever you beat P1190803another house’s mode while playing as Greyjoy, you steal that house’s ability! This doesn’t come for free — when you play as Greyjoy, every mode will have additional purple-colored shots that you have to hit as well as each mode’s regular shots. For some modes, this isn’t a big deal as the extra shots don’t really force you to go out of your way to do anything abnormal. For other houses (especially Stark), these extra shots make completing their modes extremely difficult! Additionally, when playing as Greyjoy you can’t stack two house modes at once like you can when playing as any other house. This sounds like a big deal, but in my experience it very rarely matters.

With this knowledge in mind, you should make one of the following choices:

– If you don’t think you will be able to finish Martell and Tyrell during regular gameplay, pick Tyrell. Tyrell gives you the ability to increase P1190802your combo shot multiplier by simply rolling over a lit player-controllable inlane, allowing you to practically make all of your shots at anywhere from 3x-5x value!

– If you are confident about your skills and you think you can finish both Tyrell and Martell, pick Greyjoy! Having more than one house’s special ability is incredibly overpowered, so if you can make it happen, go for it!

During gameplay, you can light each house’s mode by shooting the shot that matches their color 3 times. It then can be started at the center ramp shot. If you have more than one mode lit and are not playing as Greyjoy, you can choose to start two modes “in alliance” at P1190804the same time. This is only beneficial if you’re about to start a multiball. Otherwise, you’re probably better off focusing on one mode at a time as most of the modes are pretty tricky to finish, even on their own!

If you choose Tyrell, you’ll probably want to take a stab at Stark as quickly as you can. It’s a fairly easy mode when not playing as Greyjoy, and it can have a juicy payoff if played right! During this mode, you can shoot either the center or right ramp (the P1190805center is vastly preferable) to advance the mode collect value (Arya’s “kill list”). After 3 shots, the orbits are lit to collect the mode value and finish it. Of course, you don’t have to finish the mode at this point. Keep shooting the ramps to build the mode value up to a whopping *75 million* which can be multiplied through good use of the inlane combo multiplier builders to 5×75M for a whopping 375 million!

If you choose Greyjoy, your immediate goals should be to finish Tyrell, Baratheon, and Lannister in that order. Tyrell is P1190800important because of the inlane combo multipliers, but is fairly difficult to finish, so definitely try to stack it with Blackwater Multiball (which is lit by shooting the Tyrell mode start targets for each lock). Lannister is also good to stack with a multiball since it requires hits on the dangerous targets between ramps/orbits to light the mode’s main shots. Baratheon should be easy Battering Ramenough to finish in 4 shots without multiball (left orbit, center ramp as Greyjoy, dragon, then target bank to collect value).

No matter who you choose, don’t forget about the Battering Ram shot. It is the super jackpot during Blackwater MB, and also lights and starts playfield multipliers throughout the game, like the bell in AC/DC. Taking pot-shots at the ram during any multiball is seldom a bad idea, since there’s almost always something that can benefit from having a 2-5× multiplier attached to it!

Other things to take note of:

Lord of Light:

Shooting the drop targets on the bottom left of the playfield will, in addition to advancing you toward the Baratheon mode, also frequently lights Lord of Light at the outlanes, which works like a virtual kickback / ball save. This is effectively an extra ball that you can even work toward during multiball…so do it! Don’t forget about it!P1190828

Wall Multiball:

On the Pro version, you start this by repeatedly completing the bonus X rollovers at the top of the playfield. Eventually the dragon shot will be lit for Wall Multiball. On the Premium/LE versions, you shoot the dragon shot over and over to light the right orbit of Wall MB. This multiball used to be much more valuable in older versions of the game code, but it’s now fairly weak. Still, it’s worth decent points and is a good opportunity to get through some difficult modes and build playfield multipliers at the battering ram.

Hand of the King:P1190854

Once you finish four modes, the Hand of the King mini wizard mode is lit at the center ramp. Shoot a set of lit shots, then the battering ram, then repeat this process a few more times to collect the sum of all the shots you hit as a “Hurry Up” at the battering ram and add a ball into play. This mode can be UNBELIEVABLY valuable if played well (upwards of 4-5 billion, even), so don’t blow it if you get there! Each house that you’ve completed will affect this mode differently; some in a positive way and some not so positively. The one house that I find really hurts this mode is Martell, forcing you to hit twice as many shots for each phase of the mode.

Iron Throne:

Finish all seven modes for a special surprise! To solidly light Targaryen, keep in mind that you need to finish the mode *three times*, each time harder than the last. I’m not going to spoil this mode here. If you make it this far, you don’t need my help!P1190835

Originally published in Skill Shot 42 (March 2016)


Pincast Episode 24 – Vault Edition + Bowen Kerins

This episode is a stitched up gift! The first half is a Vault Edition unnumbered episode Kayla and I recorded in January. We bounce from topic to topic, try our hand at a new game, and kick off a year-long 100 game head-to-head challenge! (Kayla’s currently ahead) For the second half, we get Bowen Kerins on the phone to talk about his pinball history, the New England pinball scene, PAPA and other tournaments, and his stint on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire! Bowen was wonderful, and is an essential member of the broader pinball community, so whether or not you are already familiar with him, you’re in for a treat! Bola Salvada!

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