
ACAE: Edmonds 3-UP Anniversary Tourney

Another Castle’s Annual Anniversary Pinball Matchplay Tournament! 3 PM registration $10 – plus hot dogs! More info: Here


Pincast Episode 51 – Fun with a Repurpose

Dan Burfield of Tiltcycle ( talks to us about his radical repurposed pinball art and wares, the city of Pittsburgh and Midwest set locations of classic zombie flicks!

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Sunday Tournament at The Goat

The weekly pinball tournament at The Goat is also Justina’s birthday birthday celebration! The tourney begins at 8, $5 – more info: Here


Sleeping Planet @ Add-a-Ball

It’s a free concert on the patio at Add-a-Ball Amusesments in Fremont. Rain or shine. 6pm

news & gossip

Seattle Pinball News and Gossip 48

Spring finally arrived in Seattle and with it the pinball tournament season. Actually, every day seems like tournament season in our fair region, but April through June had a good number of annual events. Perhaps the most anticipated one was Add-a-Ball Amusements’Goats! Annual 420 Pinball Tournament on April 20th (naturally). Although the tournament began at noon, everything came to a halt at 4:20 with the traditional breaking of the pinball glass ceremony. Since the city informed them that free weed was a no-Ted Nugentno, the Add-a-folks improvised by throwing free money from the roof instead! Lots of ones and a few fake 50s fluttered down upon those quick enough to grab them. Also adorning this year’s ceremony was a truck full of live goats, some of which were allowed to interact with the crowd (mostly the babies and less poop-encrusted ones). The grand prize this year was a Bally Ted Nugent pinball machine, which was won by Kevin Birrell, who was less excited by the game itself than the possible resale value to a right-leaning pinball collector. Gonzo!

[youtube id=”s9eDwfiQ04M” width=”300″ height=”175″ autoplay=”no” api_params=”” class=””]

When Kevin isn’t busy winning tournaments, he and the Beneficial Malfunction crew are also running them. Their 2nd Annual Emerald City Cup (4/16) happened at Flip Flip Ding Ding with a sold out number of players, many of whom came from Portland for theKevin event. While Beneficial Malfunction already runs a successful annual in August — The NW Pinball Championships — they wanted to add another prestigious event to Seattle’s burgeoning pinball scene. By moving the Emerald City Cup to April and into a Flip Flip Ding Dinglarger venue, it seems like they succeeded. Although there was a bit of drama concerning a refund, the tournament went smoothly thanks in large part to pinball tech extraordinaire Travis Maisch and the FFDD crew who always hold fun and welcoming events. Portland’s Noah Davis took the win, which was of cool since so many larger Portland tournaments seem to get raided and won by Seattleites. Viva Portlandia!

Case in point is Portland’s Pinbrawl IX (4/23), which would have drawn a larger Seattle group if tickets hadn’tJordan sold out almost immediately this year. In fact, the tickets sold out so quickly that Jordan Semrow was inspired to organize the Another Castle EdmondsToo Slow For Pinbrawl tournament at Another Castle Edmonds for those who couldn’t get tickets. Ironically, since the Too Slow tourney was held the day before Pinbrawl, it was possible for someone to actually play at both events, which is what Chris Chinn and Anthony Welters did! As alluded to previously, the collusion of this year’s Pinbrawl ended with six Seattle players in the top 10 and climaxed in a Seattle vs Seattle showdown with Germain Mariolle defeating Kevin for the win. Viva Cascadia!

Closer to home, Add-a-Ball was the location of the 2nd Annual AARP Pinball Tournament (4/15), which also doubles as Claire Sutcliffe’s birthday party. Last year’s tournament was a mellow affair compared with this year, which had twice as many contestants (42).Mitch, Claire and Gordon: AARP winner! Unlike the real AARP, to play in this tourney you only have to be 40 and over, and we don’t think that that many more people in the community reached that milestone so much as more were aware of the event this time. 40+ players seemed appropriate for this event, but the 5PM start time meant that the 3-strike tourney was still going on as AAB began to fill up with their regular Saturday night crowd who don’t necessarily play much pinball. Ultimately Skill Shot’s own Gordon took the win, which also seemed appropriate since he was one of the few people in the tournament who could actually be an AARP member. Raging Success!

Grand Champion Games held their monthly April Birthday Tournament at Ozzie’s (4/9), which was a popular event because there Dwayne, Hannah and William with his winning ticket!was a drawing for a Williams’ Jokerz! pinball machine. During the last few months, GCG signed people up for the drawing who attended one of the many tournaments they hosted. The more tournaments you went to, the more chances you’d have to win. After a few rounds the drawing was held and William Gordon won the Jokerz! As usual, the tournament was free to anyone with an April birthday and they also collected money for aRIP A-1 Mart charity. Besides tournaments, Grand Champion seems fearless on where they will put pins even if it doesn’t work out (like at the A1-Marts) and their monthly pinball socials at Hellbent Brewery, where they try to introduce new people to pinball, are a unique idea. We have to give them credit for thinking outside the box. Salute!

Monday Night Pinball’s 7th season came to a close (5/22) with the top four teams all converging at The Goat for The Goatconcurrent finals and bronze matches to determine their final placements. None of the four teams were strangers to the final four. Since 8-Bit’s Specials When Lit and John John’s Down To Pinball were both advocates of using algorithms when competing, it was appropriate to see them battle it out for 3rd and 4th. Meanwhile, in the finals it was a rematch between Full Tilt Ballard’s Soda Jerks and Shorty’s Silverball Slayers. Both teams haveSlayers! battled it out for the top spot in the past, and since they are both two time champions, it was a contest not only for first place this season but to be MNP’s first three-time champions. After a nail biting final round, the Soda Jerks took the win 52 – 48! Jerks!

Full Tilt Ballard

The Goat was also host to one of the NWPAS Satellite Tournaments held in the months leading up to the annual Viperpinball show. For the tourney, SilverAge/SilverBall’s JP and Dominique added six pins into the dining room, and apparently The Goat’s Kira Richards liked it enough to make them a permanent fixture. It’s a good thing too, since some of the pins are rarities in the area, like Viper Night Drivin’ and Stargate! All of the Satellite Tournaments awarded NWPAS prize packages to the winners which included entrees into the tourneys held that weekend. According to tournament director Dave Stewart, 80+ packages were awarded at the events held at locations in the Seattle area, including The Triple Knock and Another Castle Bremerton. Packages!

The Northwest Pinball and Arcade Show happens June 9 – 11 at the Tacoma Convention Center and is definitely the biggest event of the summer. 400 pinball machines have been announced so far, including the new Aliens pin, Dialed In! and the premium version ofNWPAS 2017 Aerosmith. Last year’s show had rows of pins that you never see on location, including many EM’s and one-off’s created or re-themed by personal collectors, such as last year’s Iron Maiden pin. There’s many famous pinball craftsmen slated to appear throughout the weekend, including Steve Ritchie (Game of Thrones), John Trudeau (Ghostbusters), and more! Tournaments will be happening all weekend, and of course there will be a lot of arcade games too. Look for our report next issue…Pins!

Skill Shot News: Thanks to everyone who came to our last Folding Party at Ozzie’s! It was also Gordon’s birthday, so a surprise tournament Folding Party!was held and hosted by Dwayne! It was really fun, and Gordon was really touched in a nice way for all the kind words everyone said to him. The Skill Shot Pincast had a fun episode with Jack Danger of Dead Flip, which you should check out if you haven’t already done so. Bremerton has been bumping lately with more locations, machines, and tournaments, so we added a Kitsap County tab to our online Pinball List and put their events on our calendar. Bumping!

Pinball Tidbits: The Raygun Lounge on Capitol Hill has been raising their profile by staying open late for Pinball Happy Hour on the weekends and with a new Progressive Pinball Tournament on Mondays through July. All-ages too! * Seattle Pinball Museum hasBad Jimmy's been the host of a Dialed In! prototype the past few weeks, and all who’ve played it thinks it’s pretty boss – even if the Powder Puff winner Claireselfie mode makes everyone look bad! * The new expanded pinball loft at Bad Jimmy’s is pretty sweet with extra room for more pins and seating. * Belltown’s Jupiter has a lovely neon sign lite-up and will be open soon, so we’re told. * Congratulations to Alexa Philbeck, who came in second at this year’s Women’s Pin Pin Tournament in Las Vegas. It was her birthday too! * Congrats also to Claire Burke who won this year’s Powder Puff Tournament! * Support Local Pinball!




pinball sez

Pinball Sez #39

Originally published in Skill Shot 48, June 2017


Pincast Episode 50 – Wakkawakkawalking to NWPAS

Dan Halligan returns to preview the 10th Annual Northwest Pinball and Arcade Show in Tacoma this weekend (June 9-11)! We also build an imaginary arcade.

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features news & gossip

Interview with IFPA’s Josh Sharpe

On April 1st the International Flipper Pinball Assocation (IFPA) announced that beginning in 2018  they plan to start charging a $1 per player “endorsement fee” for any tournament that awards IFPA World Pinball Player Ranking points. Skill Shot’s Gordon (SS) sat down to a Facebook Messenger chat with IFPA President Josh Sharpe to ask a few questions about the controversial proposal. This is the lightly edited long-version of the interview published in Skill Shot 48.

Skil Shot: When did the IFPA first decide on the endorsement fee for 2018?

Josh Sharpe: Like the first of internal discussions, or the moment where we were actually like “We’re doing this”?

SS: Both. I had heard about the discussions happening behind the scenes before the announcement but I am curious on how long it was discussed internally beforehand…

Josh: I know really since the State Championship Series (SCS) kicked off there has been a plan to try and raise the profile so to speak of that campaign. We never thought the community would be interested in supporting it, and figured at some point we would be ‘ok’ risking a shrinking market of events to make this happen. So whether we grew things to 25,000 players in the database…
like at what point does there need to be ‘more’ for the sport in terms of it being a serious thing? We figured 50,000 was that right number to give this kind of campaign a shot. We also knew PAPA was implementing their new Circuit $5 fee and waited for them to be the guinea pig with respect to having events fund this ‘prize pool for the elite’ and the feedback they received was positive enough for us to give our campaign a shot. State Reps were roped in on things in early February prior to the State Championship tournaments from this year and there was some good discussion there that went on, and that ultimately helped shape things. Originally it was 33% split between the States/Nationals/World’s and that morphed based on the feedback – we dropped the World Championship funding because of some tax issues with collecting money in Europe for the IFPA and focused more on keeping those funds “IN STATE”. So a majority of the money collected isn’t redistributed to the ‘elite elite’ most of it goes back within that state and that allows us to make it a “successful thing” for more players. We’re able to pay off 752 players as a result rather than just the 40 that get paid in the PAPA Circuit or the 47 at Nationals.

SS: The State Championships and IFPA Nationals began in 2014?

Josh: 2013 was the first season, finals were Feb 2014.

SS: While you are checking find out how many participated in the first one compared to this year.

Josh: 4940 participated that first year. We had just about 10,000 this last year 2016 season.

SS: And that is the number of players that were in the actual State Championships? (including Canada/Provinces)? Or just the number of players involved in IFPA events all year?

Josh: That was the number of players involved in the SCS qualifying along with Canada. There were 448 finalists that first year, now there are 752 number of players involved overall is a different set of stats.

SS: Does the 448 include Canada? I believe that their championship was held seperately the first year if I am not mistaken.

Josh: You are correct, year one did NOT include Canada (there were only two provinces) and the winner of those provinces actually played a match against each other out in Denver as an exhibition but they weren’t integrated until year 2.

SS: From what I understand the players in the State Championship Series have been paying an entry fee to compete in them each year? $20 I believe is the amount I read. Oh yeah, are there more than two provinces participating now?

Josh: Yes to the $20 – that was the amount we settled on after wanting to make sure that people wouldn’t pass on their right to participate -originally the talk was $100 each. Canada is now up to 7 Provinces.

SS: When deciding on charging the new endorsement fee was this a way to have the players in the State Championships not to have to pay to be in that tournament, or will they still expect to pay the $20 to participate in it?

Josh: Not knowing how things were going to play out, we’re keeping the $20 fee for year 1. That was for marketing purposes. We can guarantee a bigger prize package we KNOW it will be bigger, cause every $1 added will truly be added. Assuming we hit a level we are satisfied with, we would then most likely waive that $20 fee going forward with all 16 players getting paid out, that $20 fee will be subsidized. so if I win $47 in illinois just for qualifying then i still win $27.

SS: When you say “that” was for marketing purposes do you mean originally or going forward?

Josh: For year 1. If we didn’t charge the $20 fee, and this fell flat we could end up generating less than the $320 per state and we didn’t want that to happen, so if a state raises $100 for the year it’ll be $420 for the pool that year.

SS: I’m not sure I understand, do you mean in 2014? (for year 1)

Josh: it’s been $320 per state every year since year 1 – $20 per player X 16 players. Going forward with this new plan the money raised through the endorsement fee will be in addition to the $320 generated at the championship itself from the 16 participants.

SS: So you are hoping or expecting to generate at least $100 from each state next year to add to the prize pool?

Josh: I’m saying we have no expectations. If $100 is generated we can say it’s an ADDITIONAL $100 rather than saying what once was $320 is now $100 and by this change we just slashed the prize package by 67%.

SS: Yeah I guess it will depend on the state and number of events they host. Some states like WA would certainly exceed the $320.

Josh: Exactly we’ve run models based on 2016 data but that can’t be taken seriously as TD’s (tournament directors) will adjust things.

SS: But others (states) probably don’t have that many tourneys?

Josh: Either choosing not to have their event sanctioned or reporting differently to be more efficient with respect to the fees…

SS: Is that what is meant when the fees are described as an “experiment”?

Josh: that’s exactly right . . . there’s so many variables at play we have no expectation as to how it’s going to go, we just know we want to find out. Some people took offense to us “experimenting”, and that was probably not the best word for me to use…

SS: How are the National Championship entries paid?

Josh: Currently? (pre-endorsement fee)

SS: What does that mean?

Josh: it means RIGHT NOW this fee doesn’t exist. it didn’t for 2016 and it doesn’t for 2017 either. it starts with the 2018 season. So “How are the National Championship entries paid?” is a different answer if you want the 2018 answer or the 2017 and prior answer.

SS: So if a player can get to the event they don’t have to pay entry fee? Currently and in the past. I am assuming that if they are currently paying an entry fee they will continue to do so for at least the first year same as the State.

Josh: Correct, there is no entry fee for Nationals. the prize pool is currently covered by fees taken from the States along with sponsorship dollars. (Stern sponsors it with a NIB Pro machine as top prize.)

SS: What do you expect to change in 2018 in the regard?

Josh: Prior to 2018, of the $320 generated we pulled $100 from each state for the Nationals prize pool (roughly 31%). In 2018 we’ll be pulling 25% of the endorsement fees collected to feed the Nationals prize pool since we are still taking at least the $100 from the $320 in 2018 we can guarantee that the prize pool for Nationals will be LARGER than ever before.

SS: Going back to the Edorsement Fee discussions IFPA had, how was the 75/25 split decided?

Josh: Once we removed the World concept we had a 67/33 split and the State Reps talked it down arguing to push more of this money back to the local level and less to the elite national level and through that discussion I agreed with their comments. We have a private message board for all the State Reps where IFPA related items get discussed.

SS: What does the word “elite” mean in this context?

Josh: Most often I would say it’s the top 50-100 players in the world – are sort of that group. But if you dive into the data of who is actually playing at Nationals there aren’t many of those 1-100 ranked players, so the whole SCS/Nationals concept is really designed to not favor the world’s best players (by design).

SS: Well some of the top 100 don’t live in North America…

Josh: Sure, but the top 60 of those 100 do, so it captures that level to me. So for example WA State had 6 participants out of 16 ranked in the top 100 this past year. 63% of the players fell lower than that rank. At the national level, 16 of the 40 participants were ranked in the top 100 this past year so 60% of the players fell outside of that ‘elite’ group.

SS: I hope you’re not counting Cayle!

Josh: He was too busy playing the in ECS 🙂. However it would be possible for a Euro to qualify through their play in the US like what Jorian or Daniele have done with the PAPA Circuit.

SS: I don’t believe they have bothered to travel for a State Championship have they?

Josh: Nobody in Europe has, but the prize pool also hasn’t been that enticing, if it was higher? You never know 😉 at some point it’s proven they WILL travel.

SS: Why did you decide to announce the Endorsement Fees changes on April 1st?

Josh: Because I’m an asshole 🙂. For years we’ve made April 1st announcements, maybe the past 4 or 5, and it just lined up well to do the April Fools April Fools – the meta april fools joke.

SS: Do you think that that added to the blow back you received about them?

Josh: Ultimately I don’t . . . I think those that had/have a problem with what we’re doing  would have had the same issues whether it was April 1st, December 25th or ‘random day’.

SS: What is the difference between IFPA Rankings and WPPR points?

Josh: It’s one in the same. WPPR is the IFPA rankings system there is also the IFPA RATINGS system that is a separate thing, but WPPR rankings, IFPA rankings, IFPA points, WPPR points people use those terms interchangeably. “Whopper Points” were sort of the ‘currency’ in terms of how people talked about them for the past 11+ years.

SS: I read on the IFPA website that there will be “No Points” events listed on the IFPA Calendar where no WPPR points will be award but the results will impact the IFPA ratings. What does this exactly mean?

Josh: Back at the end of 2011, we announced a secondary ranking system and that was the IFPA Ratings System you can read that announcement here: it’s a completely different way we rank players at events that don’t reward WPPR points, still have an impact on this IFPA Ratings calculation. So for example if you beat me in a non-points event there’s no credit given to you in our WPPR system however in the IFPA Ratings system you would increase your rating for that victory and my rating would decrease

SS: So it’s a similar system that has been running alongside the main ranking points all this time? Or at least since 2011…

Josh: Correct. Most people haven’t noticed but we actually have THREE rankings systems all running concurrently. Most people only care about one of them and that’s the WPPR system of course.

SS: How does the rating system differ from the ranking one? Do players stay pretty much in the same order in both?

Josh: They are completely separate metrics, so while there are similarities in that the “best players” are at the top there are different ways they get there for each different system. So take you for example your ranked 1688th by WPPR Rank but 4326th by IFPA Rating that’s a pretty big difference and it’s based on those two calculations being completely separate ‘things’ You’re 2206th in our 3rd different system which is “Efficiency Percentage” but you can get lost in those ‘other ranking systems’ we do because like I said, most players don’t follow them or have any interest in them.

My points changed slightly since the interview!






SS: Does the rating of a player have any effect on their ranking?

Josh: The IFPA Rating impacts the ‘strength’ of that player, with respect to the value they add to the tournament they are playing, so it does have some impact on the WPPR points awarded at every IFPA sanctioned event.

SS: Ahh I’ve sometimes wondered about that! Is it the same with someone’s Efficiency Percentage?

Josh: It really came about because there were good “local” players that weren’t highly ranked because they didn’t play enough. The Rating metric doesn’t require that high level of play in terms of quantity it, makes it’s best guess at your skill based on the data it has available. The Efficiency Percentage isn’t used at all in the WPPR formula at this point it’s strictly a ‘for fun’ metric.

SS: So for those tournament directors that are hesitant about paying the Endorsement Fee they can still register as a non-points tournament and still get some useful information from it? Say for our (Seattle) Monday Night Pinball league where there are certain WPPR Points restrictions concerning how many highly ranked players can join a team?

Josh: Absolutely. They can register as a non-points event, and those results will impact the IFPA Rating of all the participants based on that data that will continue at no charge from the IFPA.

SS: But this would not impact anyone’s State Rankings?

Josh: Correct. State Rankings are based solely as WPPR points earned as the metric for those standings.

SS: It seems like you need to get people to start paying attention to those Rating Points since it would be a way to relieve some of the pressure off tournament directors to always feel the need to have WPPR Points awarded to get people to come to their tournaments.

JoshYou’re exactly right, and that’s why we announced this:

SS: I saw and read that but the non-points tournaments seemed hidden in the last paragraph… As well as being something different that the IFPA Challenge matches. It seems like something that should have a post of it’s own.

SS: Do the same rules apply when submitting to the IFPA Calendar when holding a non-points tournament? 30 days in advance, etc…

Josh: The non-points events will still need to go through the 30 days in advance rules but other than that it’ll be pretty loose. What we won’t allow are events to submitted ‘after the fact’. If this endorsement fee is the catalyst to the Ratings system taking off and becoming a more meaningful looked at metric then that’s great for us to continue serving ‘everyone’ at their various levels of interest.

SS: Like any sort of format? Skill Shot runs a tournament every month where we allow a guest host to run it and decide on a playing format or style (one handed etc) would something like that qualify?

Josh: We don’t include any tournament formats that aren’t ‘normal playing’ so no one handed, no teams, no blindfolded, Etc.

SS: Clown noses required?

Josh: haha we’ll consider it 🙂

SS: Then we may consider registering.. Anyways back to the IFPA Challenges, so anyone can challenge anyone else correct? Does it have to be in a public venue?

Josh: Only players with full IFPA profiles can challenge or be challenged. it does not have to be in a public venue it can be anywhere at anytime.

SS: If someone doesn’t have a profile yet how do they get one?

Josh: They could email us to have one createdand then they would have to update that profile here: that would register their account with us

SS: Do the Challenges need to be registered 30 days in advance also?

Josh: No you could literally decide to have one on the spot at the bar with another random player as long as both are registered the challenge matches need no advanced warning to register. You would submit it to the calendar most often AFTER the match is done and then once we accept the match, results could be submitted.

SS: Do the Challenges need to be registered 30 days in advance also?

Josh: We wanted to make sure the flexibility was there on our side. I understand most people don’t know where/when they will be at a location and if I show up to a bar and some guy walks in and you want to ‘play a match we want to support that level of casual competitive activity.

SS: I am assuming that each player’s ratings will affect the amount of Rating Points obtain?

Josh: you are correct with respect to the Ratings impact i’m not up on the Glicko calculation but my understanding is that the better rated player risks more ratings pointsto lose than the lower rated player in that match.

SS: But it has to be all 7 games? or can they quit once someone has won 4 of them?

Josh: Once someone has won 4 games the match is over. We don’t use that match detail in the results submission it would simply list the winner as 1st place and the loser as 2nd place

SS: Will there be a separate results page for these on your website?

Josh: It’s being discussed.

SS: Back to the Endorsement Fees, what was the thinking behind making charity events needing to pay for their points? That seems to be a controversial decision.

Josh: it presents a loophole to the system that would then have to be managed. Can I say I’m running an event and donating $.05 per player to Project Pinball TECHNICALLY it’s a charity event, so does that ‘check the box’ for us in talking with the pinball charities. They run into expenses all the time – paypal fees for donations taken online versus cash in person – and with us not forcing any event to be endorsed we leave that to the charity and the organizer of the event to figure out – if they think that is a worthy expense for the cause.

SS: Well Points do add value to events so I guess it could be looked at as an operating expense such as renting a venue…

Josh: Correct for some events it won’t be worth it, where for other charities they may think it will be – to draw more players out to donate.

SS: How do you feel about Bowen taking himself off the IFPA Rankings? From what I’ve read it seems like that was at least part of his objection to the new system…

(Past pinball champion and previously highly IFPA ranked player Bowen Kerins recently had himself removed from the IFPA ranking system.)

Josh: I felt it was a bit hypocritical considering his support for PAPA doing the same thing with their Circuit I made a post about that on Tilt Forums but outside of that, I ultimately have no opinion on anyone wanting to remove themselves from the rankings for ‘any reason’ it’s something that is available for those interested. I don’t spend too much time worrying about those people NOT interested.

SS: How many “supressed players” are there anyways? I’ve heard that there are a few more for other reasons. Are there any others because of the Endorsement Fees?

Josh: Looks like there are 34 in total we don’t often hear the reasons so I couldn’t tell you I haven’t seen anyone else on Facebook post something about it as some sort of ‘protest’ or anything but you could tell me 🙂 if I’m missing something…

SS: I haven’t seen anything. What about women’s tournaments; will Endorsement Fees apply to them as well?

Josh: No. We had a plan to do the ‘same thing’ and feed the Women’s Championship prize pool but we’re still in the growing phase of the Women’s rankings similar to what I mentioned earlier waiting for that right moment and 50,000 players in the database feeling like that ‘right moment’

SS: So once there’s 50,000 women players?

Josh: That would be a good goal 🙂 Right now there 1688 women in the WPPR rankings let’s try to take it to 5000 first at least.

SS: Hopefully it comes soon – Seattle is doing its part to increase the ranks!

Josh: Damn straight! I would hate to slow down that momentum in any way and actually emailed with a bunch of the top ranked women about it in advance.

SS: Just to let them know that women’s tournaments won’t have to pay?

Josh: No, to get their feedback on whether we should do it or not back in the discussion phase and a bunch of them were in favor of starting it in 2018 ultimately I decided against it.


SS: What about for states that have restrictive playing or gambling for money rules? I’ve heard that Wisconsin has some complicated ones…

Josh: We will deal with those issues as it comes up. Right now the IFPA operates on sponsorship dollars and we can put THOSE dollars to use for states where this can’t be done and treat their money collected towards our operating expenses and ultimately if nothing can be done, we’ll take those funds and just keep them for our operating purposes. We operated at a slight loss last year, so at some point if I had to dip too far into my own personal pocket book, this fee would end up going towards us operating as well. Fortunately our sponsors keep us going for the most part.

SS: Speaking of which, many have expressed surprise that you just didn’t promote the whole Endorsement Fees as being used for operating expenses in the first place and then kick back some of the money back to the SCS/NC if the first place. Why not?

Josh: I like to be transparent about what we plan on doing with those funds. Ultimately I’m not out to make money with the IFPA I’m not out to lose money on the venture but it’s my way of giving back. If we NEED these funds to survive you would see that announcement where the IFPA takes 10% of the endorsement fees collected (for example) for operating and ‘pays out’ the rest. Right now we can run at keeping 0% but I have no idea what the future holds. For those that want to sleep better at night, they can rationalize the fee in that manner and ultimately that is true – WPPR points were free (and) they are no longer free; it is a “paid service”. If you are interested in it, you’ll have to pay for that service whether we keep the money, pay it out, light it on fire IMO is irrelevant we’re simply changing a service that was free, to a paid service.

Image taken from Phillip Grimaldi’s An Empirical Evaluation of the IFPA Endorsement Fee

SS: Do you think it is fair for states like WA to pay so much more towards the Nationals?

Josh: I do 🙂

SS: Many seem to see it as a way to reduce your work load…

Josh: And you’ve made a great assumption there because WA is also the state where we plan on losing the most events with respect to endorsement sooooo how do you know? 😉

SS: I don’t for sure.

Josh: Assuming WA is still ‘larger’ than most states for 2018 I like that it will create a separate motivation for SCS qualifying. There is debate as to whether out of towners that may qualify for WA will now CHOOSE WA because of the large State prize package even if that means a tougher path to Nationals, where as right now the best choice for a ‘good player’ is to choose the easiest path to Nationals since every State pool is the same financially.  I like the push-pull mechanic that (it) creates. I also like the ‘right sizing’ of events with respect to the world rankings of players in the larger areas. If a weekly tournament chooses to submit monthly or annually or ‘whatever’ that brings down the number of points that event is awarding over the course of the year, and for most of the world, they can’t compete with these larger areas so now these larger areas will ‘right size’ to deal with more appropriately sized fees – or subsidize that pool for the smaller areas and I’m completely fine with that strategy.

SS: I don’t think that WA/Seattle is a particularly large area compared with much of the country, we just have a large pinball scene.

Josh: When I talk “area” I talk scenes, I talk about ‘impact on the WPPR rankings’ in terms of points distributed and WA has distributed nearly 50,000 WPPR points to anyone that has played within the boundaries of that state. Whereas NY, even with NYC is at 18,000. Much of that has to do with WA being a more mature scene.

SS: Well it is a big social thing as well here.

Josh: Absolutely and that’s the best part of trying this for us. “IFPA play” isn’t the only way for people to play, so to think that we could somehow “destroy” a scene is ridiculous and gives IFPA far too much credit for what’s going on. We’re simply focusing the players/organizers that are interested in us rather than simply counting ‘everything’ we could. If a weekly continues as a non-points event, I think that hits on the most important point in all of this that the weekly event CONTINUES.

SS: I agree in a way, but people love those points!

Josh: There are certainly a large number of players that do. Now do they only love them because they were “free” or do they love them enough to pay for the right to earn them? That is what we’ll find out because I don’t know the answer yet.

SS: Well they pay at least $5 at a time for them currently… How long do you plan on keeping this experiment going before you decide yeah or nay? Was a time line discussed during your initial plans concerning this?

Josh: We implement changes every year, and typically after the first 3 months we have a solid idea on whether that change is meeting the goals of the change I don’t imagine this being much different.

SS: Do you having any closing statements or is there something that you wanted me to ask?

Josh: Not really . . . I know that it’s a tough topic to discuss from a ‘neutral’ perspective, everyone tends to have an opinion that shapes their comments. I will say I’m not one who is afraid to TRY THINGS so all the hypothetical fears of this or that happening doesn’t phase me one bit. I think you’re destined to die if you’re not actively looking to make things better and there hasn’t been a change the IFPA has made in the past 11 years that wasn’t met with some disapproval, so I’m quite used to dealing with that. My biggest hope is that people understand that we come at this with the intent to make the sport BIGGER rather than strictly serving trying to pad the pocketbooks of the world’s 25 best players. Believe me, I’d much rather hear dissenting opinions than NO OPINIONS. When we make a change to the Efficiency Percentage calculation and NOBODY CARES that’s my biggest fear 😉

For more info about the International Flipper Pinball Association:

Josh, Zach and Roger Sharpe (photo by Jim Schelberg)