Seattle Women’s Super Weekend (SW2) is a multi-day tournament weekend for female-identifying and non-binary pinball players. SW2 will take place at Georgetown Pizza and Arcade from May 5th through 7th.
May 6th: SW2 Fair Strikes
This fair strikes tournament will take place on Saturday May 6th at 2:00pm (sign ups at 1:15pm) at Georgetown Pizza and Arcade. Registration is open to female-identifying and non-binary players of all ages (note: venue does not allow customers under 21 after 8pm, so there is a possibility of a player being removed from the tourney if they are under 21 and still competing after 8:00pm.)
The buy-in is $10; 100% of buy-ins will be paid out to the top four players.
The format will be fair strikes; number of strikes played will be adjusted based on attendance: 9 strikes for 24-27 players, 8 strikes for 28-33, and 7 strikes for 34-40 players. TDs reserve the right to adjust strikes for tourney timeliness. Player cap for this event is 40.
TGP info: this tournament will earn approximately 80-96% TGP (most likely 20-24 meaningful games.) Most setups fell in the middle of that range.