South Sound Pinball and Nick Pernisco (writer and director of the short film A Room with a View) present a Red Carpet Critical Hit pinball tournament! This event will raise money for the production of a full-length feature based on Pernisco’s short film.
This tournament will be a five round matchplay followed by a truncated ladder final for the top four players. Critical Hit cards will be available for purchase, and half of the money raised will go to the tournament prize pool. The other half of the card money will go to the A Room with a View production budget. Further details on Critical Hit cards will be available closer to the event!
We will be playing A Room with a View during the tourney, and you will also get to see another of Pernisco’s films starring local heartthrob Forrest Avery! This night will be our very own Renton Red Carpet event: the perfect way to glam up your Val/Pal/Galentines Day!
If you can’t make it to the tournament but still want to donate to Nick’s film visit his Go Fund Me:
Updates about the tournament will be found here: