NWPAS Satellite tournaments give players the opportunity to win various prizes which include weekend passes to the NW Pinball and Arcade Show (June 3 – 5 at the Tacoma Convention Center), entries into the different tournaments held at NWPAS, and other prizes. For more details on prizes and tournament formats go to the NWPAS website: http://nwpas.wapinball.net/satellite.html
Today’s event: Castle Crush
Format: Match Play, MMP Final
Player Cap: 56
Entry: $10
All Ages
IFPA Points
Start time: 7pm
Note: Registration opens about one hour before and closes 10 minutes before listed start time unless the player cap is reach (then is closes early).
* Updates can also be found on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/489718822603041/
For more about the Northwest Pinball and Arcade Show: https://www.nwpinballshow.com/