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Sometimes You Want To Go Where Everybody Knows Your Game

By Pro-Graham Klym

(Originally published in Skill Shot 26, October 2012)

You know that sweet feeling you get when you walk into a place and see a pinball machine you’ve never played before? Forget about it. I want to talk about the other end of the spectrum. This article is about those ubiquitous pins around every corner and why they deserve just as much of your attention.

Let’s face it: the unavoidable games that we find everywhere are clearly going to steal more of your quarters whether you like it or not, because you want to play and that’s all they’ve got. This isn’t a bad thing. Embrace it! Master it! The more common the pin, the more likely you’ll find it in a tournament setting or out with friends. And the more you play, the more you’ll win.

Fortunately, the two most frequently found pins in Seattle (and King County at large) are fantastic games: The Lord of the Rings and The Simpsons Pinball Party. These two games have a lot in common. Both were released by Stern in 2003 and are the two top-ranking Stern tables on IPDB. Both make the most of well-known licenses with great voiceover work and fun playfield toys. But most importantly, both offer tons of modes and multiballs that can be stacked on top of each other.

The Lord of the Rings

LoTR is perfect for beginners and experts alike. All the shots are fanned out in front of you! The game revolves around the three movie multiballs, after which you can Destroy the Ring. With the right approach you will be queuing up all three multiballs in no time. Here’s how to start:

Start with the Orthanc Skill Shot (top left tower). It’s not hard to make and it’s a good opportunity to collect souls and advance the Return of the King multiball. The ball returns through the left inlane and lights a KEEP letter to advance the sword lock (Aragorn/right ramp) for Two Towers multiball. Shoot any fellowship member and with one plunge and one flip you’ve advanced all three movie multiballs! Out of the three movie modes, the Fellowship multiball may be the easiest to pursue and the most cinematic, so gathering the fellowship straight away is a good idea as well as nice target practice for every major shot of the game. The fellowship is spread out across the orbits, saucer, pop bumpers, and ramps. For extra points, start a mode at the center Ring ramp just before starting a multiball as you can’t start mode during multiball.

Gollum multiball, which is lit after collecting 9 rings of men and collected at the Gimli/right saucer, will run on top of any other mode or multiball. This means an additional ball, and a chance for extra points when Gollum’s channeling Smeagol. So while collecting fellowship members, try aiming first for the lit ring of men. Subsequent ring combo shots will give you two of the same ring, so hit them fast to get more bang for your buck.  Destroy the ring in record time and your initials are immortalized on the dot matrix display. Not quite a Tengwar inscription on the One Ring, but not too shabby either.

The Simpsons Pinball Party

TSPP is colorful and busy but not nearly so straightforward. There are tons of crazy modes, and I’ve got to admit I haven’t seen most of them. Good starting points are to go for the Itchy and Scratchy Multiball on the right side of the playfield, and to hit the garage. The garage will bring you to the upper playfield to work toward couch multiball, start modes at the TV, and give you letters to spell “Simpsons” for D’Oh Frenzy.

After starting a mode, the TV will show the remaining time you have left on the mode. TSPP has a shared timer for everything, so you can stack modes easily by just making sure the timer doesn’t run out, either by starting another mode or shooting Otto to add time.

The Ruleset for TSPP can be especially overwhelming – and near impossible to approach on a table with a broken garage door, weak flippers, or any number of issues. That’s why it’s so important, for this game in particular, to find one in good working condition.

Where to Play

The Narwhal on Capitol Hill is home to both LoTR and TSPP, and as they are serviced by Shorty’s they are generally in excellent shape. The Eastlake Zoo Tavern also recently received TSPP in good condition, but games get beat up pretty quickly there, so go play it now or play later at your own risk.  You can also expect a beautiful playfield on LoTR at the Ballard Full Tilt, with XX Amusements taking care of it. The White Center Full Tilt location is a good all ages option for TSPP, where games are also diligently maintained.


Local Tournament Results 10/27/12

At the Belltown Going Away Party and Pinball Tournament  (10/25) Jason Hatch won the Speakeasy-Pat Hand contest and Sagel Fraiser won the High-Score on Monster Bash one.

The Seattle Pinball Museum Halloween Party and Pinball Tournament (10/26). In the A Division Julie Gray took 1st, Aaron McAbee 2nd and George Lally 3rd. In the B Division was Kayla Greet 1st, Matthew Greene 2nd and Brian Leal 3rd.

Happy Halloween!


Skill Shot 26 Folding Party

other tournament results

Local Tournament Results October 2012

Results for October Seattle Pinball League Tournament. First Place Cayle George, second goes to Matt Cohn, third place goes to Maka Honig and fourth goes to Bobby Conover. Congrats to all!


Skill Shot 25.5

We had our 5 year anniversary party at Shorty’s on August 5th and created a limited edition zine for the event. Skill Shot 25.5 had a small print run and was only available at the party and to our subscribers. Below is the cover and a collage from the inside page…

Thanks to everyone who came to the party and to our sponsors who donated great prizes for our raffle. Special thanks to Awoud and the staff of Shorty’s. Subscriptions to Skill Shot are available for $5/5 issues (ordering info is on the right side bar of this page).

other tournament results

Local Tournament Results August 2012

The First Sunday Tournament at Shorty’s on August 5th was won by Nycole Hyatt and second place was Cathy Cartoon. The Skill Shot 5 Year Anniversary at Shorty’s (on the same day) had five different tournaments: Pat Hand was won by Sergy, Seattle Side Saddle was won by Side Show Ben and Sarah, Biggest Loser was won by Madeline, King for a Day was won by JJJ, and Half and Half was won by the team of Nycole and Selfick. Later we had a X-men High Score Contest which was won by ELF. A big thanks to everyone for coming out on one of the hottest days of the summer!

On August 18, George Lally hosted the Seattle Pinball League Tournament in Marysville. First place was Robert Gagno, Second was Raymond Davidson, Third was Dave Stewart and Forth was Matt Cohn.  August 31st was the (all) Data East Tournament at the SPL Headquarters which had Cayle George (1st), Dave Stewart (2nd), Raymond Davidson (3rd) and John Kremmer (4th). Congrats to all!


Python Interview on PAPA’s blog

PAPA posted a fun video interview with Python Anghelo over on their blog (embedded below). For more Python goodness, check out our Artist Profile with Python from Skill Shot #21. Best wishes to Python as he recovers from cancer!


Skill Shot’s 5th Anniversary Party!
