Seattle Pinball League
Seattle Pinball League is an all-ages year-long individual league that takes place around the Seattle area. Go to either their website or facebook page for more info.
Seattle Pinball League is an all-ages year-long individual league that takes place around the Seattle area. Go to either their website or facebook page for more info.
Every Saturday except the 1st Saturday. $5 entry, all cash payout to the top players. Registration at 7PM. Tournament starts at 8PM. IFPA points! Facebook: Another Castle Website
When, Where, Time: August 11 2018 • Gas Works Park • 1pm Registration • 2pm Start You will need: Lock • Cash for Quarters • 5 Dollars for Entry Ride bikes. Play Pinball. Win eternal glory. Being fast has its advantages, but so does pinball wizardry. It's simple; ride over to the listed bar from […]
Weekly pinball tournament for kids, 12 and under. 3-strikes format. $5 + coin drop. Tournament begins at 3:30. Another Castle's Facebook page
Second Sunday of every month Split Flipper three strike tournament. Hosted at Add-A-Ball. Same casual tournament, same casual prices, and same casual prizes. $5 per team, registration is 4:20 and tournament will begin at "5:00ish".
The Northwest Pinball Championships Pre-Tournament series: Various formats at 10 different locations - win cash, prizes and entry cards to the main event/tournament on August 24th 2018. The NW Pinball Championships is one of the biggest local tournaments of the year and this is their 10 year anniversary too! Each pre-tournament will have a guaranteed […]