IFPA points/leagues

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Event Series Happy Pinball Thursdays

Happy Pinball Thursdays

Jupiter 2126 2nd ave, suite A, Seattle, WA, United States

Every Thursday at Jupiter: $2 - 2-strike tourney 8:00 signups! 8:30 start!! $2 buy-in! Pot splash! IFPA points Hosted by Dwayne! Usually posts updates on FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/washingtonstatepinheads

Event Series Tik Tok Weekly IFPA Tournament

Tik Tok Weekly IFPA Tournament

Tik Tok's Workshop 1216 Sylvan Way, Bremerton, WA, United States

The tournament will be run in a Fair Strike Knockout format. The entry fee is $5 and will be paid out in full to the winners. This is a seven strike group knockout format. Players will be in groups of four. The player with the highest score takes no knocks, players with the second and […]