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Seattle Pinball Super League Final

8 Bit Arcade bar 916 3rd S. 3rd st, Renton

The top 16 rankers for the month move on to tonights finals. IFPA points! Complete details for the finals will be found here: OnedriveLive Finals event page on Facebook: TBA Super League […]

Jupi-Tourney Tuesday

Jupiter 2126 2nd ave, suite A, Seattle

Three Strikes format, 9:15 pm, $5 Hosted by Dwayne! The Washington State Pinheads Facebook page usually has weekly updates: Jupiter on Facebook:

Port Orchard Tilt A Pint Pinball Tournament

Slaughter County Brewing Company 1307 Bay St, Port Orchard

Tilt A Pint Pinball Tournament held every Tuesday. Registration at 7:00. Plung-Off starts at 7:30. $5 buy-in. Standard triple knock format. All ages! IFPA Points! Tilt A Pint Facebook page:

Another Castle Arcade Edmonds Progressive Tournament

Another Castle Arcade Edmonds 23303 Hwy 99 Suite C, Edmonds

Every Tuesday for 16 weeks, ACAE will host a two strike tournament with all money pooled for the final on April 30th. Tournament prelims will be every Tuesday at 8pm, […]