Portland Pinball Tournament
C-Bar 2880 SE Gladstone St,, PortlandPINBALL TOURNAMENT CBAR AUGUST 5TH 2017 NOON 8 ROUNDS SWISS TOP 12 SE BEST OF 3 BRACKET IFPA ENDORSED $3 Lottsa Points! More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1529003157151833/
PINBALL TOURNAMENT CBAR AUGUST 5TH 2017 NOON 8 ROUNDS SWISS TOP 12 SE BEST OF 3 BRACKET IFPA ENDORSED $3 Lottsa Points! More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1529003157151833/
7pm on the first Saturday of the month at Another Castle Arcade Edition in Edmonds WA (just north of Seattle). $10 Buy in, cash prizes. IFPA points! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnotherCastleArcadeEdition? Another Castle Website