Another Castle’s Kids Pinball Tournament
Another Castle Arcade Edmonds 23303 Hwy 99 Suite C, EdmondsWeekly pinball tournament for kids, 12 and under. 3-strikes format. $5 + coin drop. Tournament begins at 3:30. Another Castle's Facebook page
Weekly pinball tournament for kids, 12 and under. 3-strikes format. $5 + coin drop. Tournament begins at 3:30. Another Castle's Facebook page
Second Sunday of every month Split Flipper three strike tournament. Hosted at Add-A-Ball. Same casual tournament, same casual prices, and same casual prizes. $5 per team, registration is 4:20 and […]
Second Sunday Monthly Split Flipper Tournament. Teams of two. One player per flipper. 3 Strike Format. Payout to top 3 teams. A fun, casual and unique way to compete!
Triple elimination competition style, play your opponents on pinball games drawn at random. Try to beat your competitors score, and get by w/o any strikes. Three strikes, and you're out. Registration […]
3-strike tournament. 8PM (registration starts at 7), $5 buy-in as is customary. Come see what the competition north of Fremont/Ballard is like and keep the Seattle pinball scene growing!