We revisit some findings from our previous episode with our friend Michael Adcock, who dives deep on how tournament data can map out all sorts of things — but especially team strategies! It’s hard to sum this one up, because we hit on quite a lot. Set aside 90 minutes and come exploring with us!
Check out the links below to follow along on some of the charts mentioned in the pincast (note: they may not look very good on a phone).
[soundcloud url=”https://soundcloud.com/skillshotseattle/46-data-dump” comments=”yes” auto_play=”no” color=”#ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”81px” class=”” id=””]
Countries, IFPA event count over time
One reply on “Pincast Episode 46 – Data Dump!”
This is awesome. Any chance you could share your code? (Full disclosure, haven’t had a chance to listen to the cast yet, apologies if you mention the code in it).