This tournament takes place the fourth Tuesday of every month. The buy-in is $10, and the IFPA fees are paid for by 8-bit Arcade; therefore 100% of buy-ins will be paid out to the top 4 players. If more than 24 players participate, the top 8 players will be paid out.
IFPA-endorsed matchplay using “FlexTGP” format. If there are less than 16 players we will use our Double Matchplay format to maximize TGP. With 16+ players, we will play the more typical five rounds of matchplay for qualifying. After qualifying there will be a multi-matchplay finals for either the top 4 if there are <16 participants, or the top 8 if there are 16+.
You must be 21+ to play, good sportsmanship is required, and masks are encouraged for crowded spaces.
FB event page: